2012 Summer Promotion - Call Richmond or Regina Studio for detail.




It has been brought to the attention of our Federation that recently certain unauthorized letter purported to be issued under our instructions and containing false allegations has been sent to one of our senior members.  The said letter was also copied to various newspapers and magazine which unfortunately is not just a nuisance but has also caused confusion to the public and damaged the reputation of the addressee of the letter.  In order to redress the situation, We, Jin Pal Hapkido Martial Arts Federation  HEREBY DECLARE AND CONFIRM that Gum Ying Hapkido Studio (金鷹武道館) operated by Master Thomas Lok (駱程天師傅) is the only authorized Jin Pal Hapkido Studio in British Columbia and is the head studio in Canada representing our Federation.  Master Thomas Lok, an 8th Dan Black Belt, is a pupil of Mr. Kim Jin Pal (金振八), the founder and President of Jin Pal Hapkido Martial Arts Federation. 

We, Jin Pal Hapkido Martial Arts Federation  HEREBY FURTHER CONFIRM  that all the other Hapkido Studios in British Columbia are not member of and/or related to our Federation and/or Mr. Kim Jin Pal

Grandmaster Kim Jin Pal.

President, Jin Pal Hapkido Federation

May 2nd, 2008



查最近有人冒稱得到本聯盟的指示, 向本聯盟其中一名資深成員發出內容不真實的信函, 並將該信函抄送各大報章雜誌, 以混淆公眾視聽及對該位收件者造成不必要的滋擾和聲譽上的損害。

本聯盟現特此鄭重聲名, 師父Thomas Lok駱程天所主理的金鷹武道館是本聯盟旗下的加拿大金振八合氣道總館, 並且是卑斯省唯一認可的金振八合氣道館。

師父Thomas Lok駱程天是本聯盟創辦人及會長金振八先生的入室大弟子, 並為黑帶八段。

本聯盟特此澄清, 在卑斯省內所有其它教授合氣道館, 均非本聯盟之成員並與本聯盟及金振八先生無任


會長金振八 - 金振八合氣道聯盟啟

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